Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has resulted in a multimillion migration of Ukrainian citizens in search of a safe place. For the first time in its history, the European Union has enacted the Temporary Protection Directive, which introduces legal provisions to help manage the massive influx of people (Migration management: Welcoming refugees from Ukraine, 2024). Some refugees have already returned home or are going to return home in the future, but some citizens do not plan to return, and the longer the war lasts, the larger their share is. Thus, while in a survey conducted in April 2022, 75% of respondents definitely planned to return to Ukraine, in June 2022 the share of such people was 66%, and in April 2023 – 52%. The percentage of people who said they were not likely to return increased from 4% in April 2022 to 12% in April 2023, and the percentage of those who did not plan to return increased from 3% to 4% (Ukrainian refugees in Europe, 2023). This situation has a significant impact on the socio-economic and demographic situation both in Ukraine and in the countries where its citizens came, and its consequences need to be assessed both in the medium and long term.
The impact of Ukrainian migrants on the European economic space
Didenko, A. The impact of Ukrainian migrants on the European economic space / A. Didenko, B. Korneliuk // Mechanisms of Adaptation and Integration of Ukrainians in Conditions of Forced Migration : collective monograph / еdited by L. Golovkova, O. Kovalchuk. – Plovdiv, Bulgaria : ASPECT-PRO LTD, 2024. – P. 24–36. – DOI:
Ключові слова:
migration, Ukrainian refugees
Didenko A., Korneliuk B. The impact of Ukrainian migrants on the European economic space. – Анастасія Володимирівна Діденко