At the present stage of social development, education is the key area on which not only the level of general culture and professional training of a person depends, but also his achievement of personal maturity. Innovative pedagogical activity associated with the rejection of well-known cliches, stereotypes in teaching, upbringing, and personal development of a student goes beyond the current standards, creates new standards for the personal-creative, individual orientation of the activities of teachers, and new pedagogical technologies that implement these activities. In it, the teacher realizes himself more deeply as a bearer of social innovation.
Innovative activity of a teacher as an effective means of developing the potential of an educational institution
Innovative activity of a teacher as an effective means of developing the potential of an educational institution / Iryna Sokolovska, Valentyna Nechyporenko, Olena Pozdniakova, Nataliia Hordiienko, Nataliia Serhata, Maria Gerko // Наукові горизонти ХХІ століття: мультидисциплінарні дослідження : матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції (м. Ужгород, 16–17 May 2024 р.) / уклад. О. П. Адамчо ; УжНУ, УкрІНТЕІ. – Ужгород ; Київ, 2024. – С. 1095–1099.
Ключові слова:
Pedagogy, innovations in education, pedagogical innovation
Nechyporenko_Innovative activity of a teacher as an effective means of developing the potential of an educational institution – Maryna Kovalova