The phenomena of globalisation and the increase in the number of communication tools have led to a significant boom in the use of multimedia resources in foreign language teaching and learning. Since success in learning a foreign language is linked to the assessment of the learning environment and since multimedia resources certainly change the learning environment, the integration of multimedia and ICT tools into teaching and learning should have an impact on motivation and, consequently, on learning success. Furthermore, in the context of pedagogical innovations, learning should be achieved by all participants in the educational relationship. In this sense, this study aims to meet the need to analyse the use of multimedia resources in the context of educational innovation through learning assessment. This paper is a field study. The mixed-methods research is based on the collection and analysis of data from various scientific sources, questionnaires of students studying English at the higher education institution of Ukraine “National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” and observation of their activity and performance. The purpose of the study is to establish the connection between the use of multimedia resources and increasing students' motivation in learning foreign languages, to test the teachers' perception of the student's role in learning a foreign language in a higher education institution, as well as the learning outcomes achieved by the same subjects after the introduction of a pedagogical innovation using multimedia resources. The results show that the perception of learning, interest, and satisfaction differ depending on the gender of students. The use of multimedia materials in accordance with the teaching-learning method affects the perception of the respective roles between the teacher and the student. Changes in student roles are accompanied by changes in teacher roles. The change in the roles of students is accompanied by some resistance from some of them. The main result achieved by students is related to the development of autonomy and has little to do with learning the subject as such. The research shows that the recommended approach did not lead to a significant improvement in the quality of learning and the level of mastery of the discipline by students compared to their school achievements. However, the results clearly demonstrate the growth of motivation and development of independence among students, their active participation in group work. That is why the introduction of multimedia innovations has a really positive effect on motivation.
Multimedia resources as a factor of increasing students' motivation in learning foreign languages
Multimedia resources as a factor of increasing students' motivation in learning foreign languages / A. Brutman, K. Tarasenko, V. Polyezhayev, I. Matsegora, N. Rukolyanska // Conhecimento & Diversidade. – 2024. – Volume16, Issue 41. – P. 546–567.
Ключові слова:
globalisation, teaching, english for specific purposes, autonomy, motivation
Rukolyanska N. Multimedia resources as a factor of increasing students’ motivation in learning foreign languages – Наталія Руколянська