Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Consolidation of Social Capital of Higher Education Institutions
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The aim of the study was to identify psychological and
pedagogical factors that ensure the consolidation of social capital in
higher education institutions and to assess their effectiveness through
expert critical evaluations. The study used the exploratory design and
was based on the use of qualitative methods to evaluate the selected
studies. The research methodology relied on the methods
recommended for feasibility studies to determine the possibility of
implementation of the selected best practices. The systematic review of
scientific sources and best practices found the psychological and
pedagogical aspects that ensure the consolidation of social capital in
higher education institutions, namely: individual psychological factors
of economically motivated behaviour, social network technology,
second-order psychological factors, teachers’ assistance of students’
professional self-determination, education as a means, and
psychological factors based on the attributes of the institution.
Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Consolidation of Social Capital of Higher Education Institutions
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Ключові слова:
collective socially valuable resource, innovative development, social tasks, university