Professional activity of a contemporary ukrainian lawyer in a communicative dimension: psychological aspect
The article presents an analysis of scientific works in the field of the
communicative dimension of a lawyer’s professional activity. The research aims to
highlight various aspects of the communication component of the profession of a
contemporary Ukrainian lawyer through the prism of personality psychology. The
mentioned approach is to facilitate seeing professional competences of a lawyer and the tasks of professional training from a new angle. Various aspects of the
communicative component of the profession of a contemporary Ukrainian lawyer are investigated through the prism of personality psychology by means of analysis and synthesis, generalisation, and systematisation of scientific data. The methods made it possible to reveal the psychological features of the professional activity of a modern Ukrainian lawyer in the communicative dimension. The peculiarities of the communicative aspect of a lawyer’s activity, which consists of two major areas:
business communication skills and interpersonal communication skills, are
The need for self-discovery by students and determination of the direction of future professional self-realization based on personal communicative qualities are
determined. The article provides the overview of exiting research in the field and the
emphasizes the need to develop the communicative competence of future lawyers
through practical interactive methods. The communicative competence is recognized to be a pivotal aspect of a lawyer’s work at the current stage of Ukrainian state development. The article concludes that there is a necessity to consider the communication skills development during lawyers’ professional training, in the process of which preference should be given to interactive technologies.
Professional activity of a contemporary ukrainian lawyer in a communicative dimension: psychological aspect / Vitalii Bocheliuk, Mykyta Panov, Anastasiia Turubarova, Kyrylo Chumakov, Kseniia Chumakova // AD ALTA : Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research. – 2024. – Special Issue 14/01-XLII. – P. 161–163.
Ключові слова:
professional activity of a lawyer, communicative competence, communication, communicative aspect of a lawyer’s activity, professional training of a lawyer
Vitalii Bocheliuk, Mykyta Panov, Kyrylo Chumakov, Anastasiia Turubarova, Kseniia Chumakova. Professional activity of a contemporar – Анастасія Турубарова