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Importance of early physical rehabilitation in improving functional state of vegetative nervous system of women with postmastectomy syndrome
Purpose: to determine the expediency of early application of physical rehabilitation to improve the functional state of vegeta-
tive nervous system of women with postmastectomy syndrome.
Material & Methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, analysis of heart rate variability, methods of
mathematical statistics. The study involved 135 women with postmastectomy syndrome who underwent radical mastectomy
for Madden.
Results: at the end of the research value of high-frequency component of the spectrum was significantly higher in women
MG1 compared to MG on 257,72 ms² (p<0,01) and the stress index was lower on 107,01 c. u. (p<0,001).
Conclusions: the feasibility of early rehabilitation intervention to improve the functional state of the autonomic nervous sys-
tem is not detected during the year classes on problem-oriented programs.
Importance of early physical rehabilitation in improving functional state of vegetative nervous system of women with postmastectomy syndrome
Odinets, T. Importance of early physical rehabilitation in improving functional state of vegetative nervous system of women with postmastectomy syndrome / Т. Odinets, Y. Briskin // Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник. - 2016. - № 1(51). - С. 117-120.