Analysis of Developers of Online Courses on Ukrainian Platforms of MOOC
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The article examines the developers of courses on Ukrainian
platforms of massive open online courses Prometheus, EdEra, Open University
of Maidan, their quantitative analysis in various thematic areas. It is noted that
education remains the main way to acquire new knowledge and form the neces-
sary competencies. The main advantages of open educational resources, their
classification, the reasons for the growing popularity in modern society are
highlighted. It was found that massive open online courses are a logical contin-
uation of distance learning courses, have their differences and features. Howev-
er, some problematic issues related to the promotion of massive open online
courses that need to be addressed are considered. An analysis of the number of
online courses on Ukrainian-language platforms and their thematic areas. As of
March 2020, there are 235 online courses on all considered platforms. The same
topics for all platforms were law, training, education, media, economics, health.
It was found that the most active developers of online courses on the platform
of the Open University of Maidan were public and charitable organizations. Ed-
ucational online platforms and international organizations are most actively in-
volved in the creation of online courses on the EdEra resource. On the Prome-
theus platform, the largest number of courses was created at the initiative of in-
ternational organizations, institutions of higher and secondary education.
Analysis of Developers of Online Courses on Ukrainian Platforms of MOOC
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Paper—Analysis of Developers of Online Courses on Ukrainian Platforms of MOOC
Ключові слова:
Education, distance learning, developers, massive open online courses