Results. Media or other project initiatives oriented on the socialization of people with disabilities
have been systematized by productive directions: audiovisual content provided by television and
cinema; text information in digital format and offline; images, including photos; radio broadcasting
and a wide range of audio material; theater performances; museum excursions; specialized
services offered by the libraries.
Conclusions. In Ukraine competitive quality models of project activity in the social sphere have
been developed. A participant-friendly social model of a national inclusive media space adapted to
the needs of people with disabilities and which meets the needs and expectations of the majority
encompasses not only mass communication media through audiovisual, print, digital media but also
innovative integrated platforms, which are the part of the theater, cinema, library initiatives,
museum projects. All this makes us consider them friendly to the audience with different needs,
tastes, and visions of the communication process. Within the scientific discourse, the
comprehension of this problem is promising, given the professional interaction of researchers of
architectonics of media strategies, social workers who are deeply aware of the needs of people with
disabilities and representatives of the latter, who can evaluate and adjust the developed models of
establishing communication relationships in modern inclusive multi-platform media space.
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