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Effect of individualized physical rehabilitation programs on respiratory function in women with post-mastectomy syndrome
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an individualized
physical rehabilitation programs aimed at improving respiratory function in women with post-
mastectomy syndrome. Methods: In a randomized controlled trial 50 women with post-mastect-
omy syndrome were enrolled in the experimental group (EG, n = 25) or the comparison group
(CG, n = 25). The program for the EG included: aqua aerobics (i.e. aqua jogging, aqua building, and
aqua stretching); conditional swimming; and recreational aerobics. The program for the CG
included: conditional swimming and Pilates exercises. Both intervention groups attended indivi-
dualized physical rehabilitation programs three times per week for 48 weeks. The primary out-
come measure was spirometry of the patients measured before, 6 and 12 months after the
intervention. Results: This study demonstrated that most of the respiratory function parameters
increased significantly in both groups over the year of exercise training. After the year of training
the individualized physical rehabilitation program for the EG was significantly better (p < 0.01) as
compared with the CG, except for inspiratory reserve volume and maximal voluntary ventilation,
which were not statistically different. Conclusions: The results of the study suggest that individual
programs of physical rehabilitation could be considered effective for the improvement of respira-
tory function of the patients with post-mastectomy syndrome. The results obtained could serve as
a basis for more widespread clinical program development.
Effect of individualized physical rehabilitation programs on respiratory function in women with post-mastectomy syndrome
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