This study deals with the use of Information and Artificial Intelligence technologies with education. The purpose is to investigate students' use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their studies. The authors have used a survey of 882 Ukrainian university students, graphical and tabular result presentation, t-statistics, and z-statistics with a high significant level of 0.01. The authors have found out that students use AI in their learning process: every day 8.0% – 31.0%, 3-4 times/week 6.0% - 15.0%, 1-2 times/week 17.0% - 20.0%, 1-2 times/month 14.0% - 40.0%, never 20.0% - 29.0%. Research novelty is: confirming two Research hypotheses, new scientific facts about the use of AI technologies in the learning process, and the absence of the need to develop proposals for improving the teaching process using AI technologies because university teachers provide students with a real-world AI-enabled environment that is adequate for student needs in their studies. The results are very important for monitoring the use of AI in higher education. The new data can help to make management decisions to achieve high-quality education. The new research findings contribute to the growing debate on the integration of information technology, computers, and AI technologies in education.