The article provides the analysis of the structure and specific
character of management in the market of primary wellness tourism at
different levels and their interrelation. The authors analyze the
conditions of formation and implementation of management at the
Ukrainian macro-, meso-, microlevels and at the worldwide level. The
article also defines the concept-based opinions of authors towards effect
of unprejudiced market regularities and personal managerial goals and
measures of their achievement on the functioning of primary wellness
tourism market, in particular:
- Primary wellness tourism functions in the structure of market
relations with elements (system of entities and economic efficiency of
their activity, effect of objective market laws) peculiar to it.
Management in the Primary Wellness Tourism Market: Concept-Based Opinions and Ukrainian Practice
Kureda, N. Management in the Primary Wellness Tourism Market: Concept-Based Opinions and Ukrainian Practice / Nina Kureda, Yulia Yukhnovska, Bohdan Korneliuk // Trends, Prospects and Challenges of Sustainable Tourism Development : monograph / еd. by Marta Barna. – Lviv : Lviv University of Trade and Economics, 2020. – Р. 34–50.