The use of digital technologies in modern educational environments is an urgent requirement. This article aims to study mobile technologies as an effective mechanism for supporting and developing inclusive learning in higher education institutions. To achieve this goal, the article employs methods of scientific content analysis of literature and comparison, which allow for identifying the positive aspects of integrating mobile technologies into inclusive education and the difficulties that exist on this path. The study results indicate a need to utilize both traditional and specialized technologies in the modern higher education landscape. The analysis reveals that traditional technologies supporting inclusion primarily include applications for organizing learning, mobile communication technologies, and applications for creating specialized learning content, including multimedia and virtual technologies for individuals with special educational needs. Among the specialized tools for supporting inclusive learning are apps that enhance vision and hearing. This category also includes mobile applications that support lectures through various subtitle options. The study found that such mobile technologies improve knowledge acquisition and enhance the efficiency of the learning process. It concludes that these applications contribute to greater student integration, reduce social isolation, develop social skills, and increase self-confidence.
Mobile technologies as a tool to support inclusive learning in higher education institutions
Mobile technologies as a tool to support inclusive learning in higher education institutions / Valentyna Nechyporenko [et al.] // Periodicals of engineering and natural sciences. – 2024. – Vol. 12, № 4. – P. 651–660.
Ключові слова:
Digital Tools, Inclusive Education, Higher Educational Institution, Mobile Educational Technologies, Adaptive Methods, Accessibility of Education, Interactive Applications
Mobile technologies as a tool to support inclusive learning in higher education institutions