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Professional development of a teacher in information and secondary education is influenced by innovative digital technologies
Innovations or innovations are characteristic of any professional activity of a person and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and development. The innovations themselves are not to blame, they are the result of scientific pursuits, advanced pedagogical information of several researchers and entire teams. At the core of the essence of innovation processes, there are two most important problems of pedagogy - the problem of inculcation, standardization, expansion of advanced pedagogical knowledge and the problem of advancing the reach of psychological and pedagogical science into practice.
Professional development of a teacher in information and secondary education is influenced by innovative digital technologies
Professional development of a teacher in information and secondary education is influenced by innovative digital technologies / V. Nechyporenko, I. Sokolovska, N. Hordiienko, O. Pozdniyakova // Інноваційні практики наукової освіти : матеріали ІІІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції, [Київ], 6–12 грудня 2023 року. – Київ : Інститут обдарованої дитини НАПН України, 2023. – С. 737–741.
Інститут обдарованої дитини НАПН України
Ключові слова:
lighting, essence of innovative processes, achievements of psychological and pedagogical science, lighting middle ground
Нечипоренко В.В._Professional development of a teacher in information – Maryna Kovalova