Psycho-emotional state and quality of life characteristics in women with post- -mastectomy syndrome with different types of attitude to the disease
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Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine the pattern of the psycho-emotional state and quality of life in women
with post-mastectomy syndrome with different types of attitude to the disease at the dispensary stage of rehabilitation.
Methods. Theoretical analysis of literature sources; sociological methods (surveys); mathematical statistical methods. An inter-
view of 115 women with late symptoms of post-mastectomy syndrome was conducted with the use of 3 validated questionnaires:
Type of Attitude towards the disease, Hospital Anxiety and depression Scale, and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy
– Breast. The women had undergone surgical treatment and adjuvant radiation therapy for breast cancer.
Results. Women with a rational type of attitude towards the disease were more likely to have significantly (p < 0.01) better indica-
tors of physical well-being, emotional well-being, and functional well-being, as well as fewer manifestations of anxiety compared
with those with intrapsychic and interpsychic attitudes.
Conclusions. The findings have shown that the revealed peculiarities of attitude towards the disease in patients with post-
mastectomy syndrome justify the need for increased attention to their life quality indicators and psychological characteristics.
Key words: women, attitude to the disease, post-mastectomy syndrome, quality of life
Psycho-emotional state and quality of life characteristics in women with post- -mastectomy syndrome with different types of attitude to the disease
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Physiotherapy Quarterly (formerly Fizjoterapia) 2018, 26 (1), 9–12
Ключові слова:
women, attitude to the disease, post-mastectomy syndrome, quality of life