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The aim: To determine the differences in the ability of young people with low and high economic statuses towards emotional self-regulation, and characterize their frame of
mind by analyzing functional and dysfunctional emotions in healthy and unhealthy states.
Materials and methods: Theoretical – analysis, generalization, interpretation of the collected data; a set of empirical methods —“Attitude to health” by Berezovskaya, the
scale“Quality of life”in the adaptation by Vodopyanova, self-assessment income scale and validated questionnaire“Subjective economic well-being”by Khashchenko. The author
has applied Pearson’s chi-squared test, Student’s t-test, and Kruskal-Wallis test.
Results: The affective component of health manifests in the predominance of happiness (t=0.3, p≤0.01) and peace (t=1.7, p≤0.1) as components of a positive frame of mind
among young people with high economic status. Such emotions such as fear (t=2.1, p≤0.03), anxiety (t=2, p≤0.04) and irritabil ity (t=1.8, at p≤0.07) are more common
among young people with low economic status. Young people who have high economic status show stronger ability to emotional self-regulation in comparison to the ones
with low economic status (χ² = 11.9, p≤0.001).
Conclusions: In this research, we have found a statistically significant difference in the ability towards emotional self-regulation between young people with low and high
economic status: the latter group is able to control dysfunctional emotions such as anger and resentment more when communicating with others; they are more likely to find
internal psychological resources. When the health deteriorates, the young people with high economic status are prone to show independence, and manage their own time and
life, which is a sign of stable mental health.
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Wiadomości Lekarskie, VOLUME LXXIV, ISSUE 11 PART 1, NOVEMBER 2021
Ключові слова:
caring attitude to health, emotional stability, mood/frame of mind, healthy state, unhealthy state