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Psychological and pedagogical monitoring in the diagnostics of gift and choosing the education trajectory of talented youth
Identification of gifted children is a long process associated with the analysis of the development of a specific child. Effective identification of giftedness using any single test procedure is impossible. Therefore, instead of a one-time selection of gifted children, it is necessary to direct efforts to a gradual, step-by-step search for gifted youth in the process of education.
Psychological and pedagogical monitoring in the diagnostics of gift and choosing the education trajectory of talented youth
Psychological and pedagogical monitoring in the diagnostics of gift and choosing the education trajectory of talented youth / V. Nechyporenko et al. // Обдарованість: методи діагностики та шляхи розвитку : матеріали науково-практичного онлайн-семінару (Київ, 23–26 травня 2024 року). –Київ : Інститут обдарованої дитини НАПН України, 2024. - P. 518–521.
Інститут обдарованої дитини НАПН України
Ключові слова:
psychological and pedagogical monitoring, diagnosis, giftedness, youth
Nechyporenko_Psychological and pedagogical monitoring in the diagnostics of gift and choosing the education trajectory of talented youth – Maryna Kovalova