The concept of building control for certain components of the system for training handball players
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The purpose of the research– to find developed similarityin concepts of training systems control for high
qualified handball playersand demands of their training and competitive activity. The methodology of the
work.The expert assessment was conducted for direct participants, such as trainers of the training and
competitive process of Super League Ukrainian teams, "Motor" and "ZTR". Results. According to the
generalized estimations of experts, which we interpret as a holistic assessment of control system in training and
competitive activity for highly qualified handball teams in the annual training macrocycle 2017-2018.It has been
defined by its compliance with the essential task of the training system. Most assessments of the criteria were
within full compliance with their requirements. Thus, the highest scores recorded for the purpose and validity of
the criteria (by 3.78 and 3.81 points); presentation of information and coordination of control components (by
3.74 and 3.67 points); costs (by 3.59 points); completeness of the information (by 3.56 points); the value of
information (by 3.41 points); determinism (by 3.19 points) and speed of decision (by 3.11 points). Another two
assessments of criteria were closer to the high level and accounted for the continuity of the content of
information and the frequency of control 2.96 and 2.78 points. Conclusions. The confirmed effectiveness of the
development on the basis of our concept, control system of training and competitive activity of highly qualified
handball teams in the annual preparation of the macrocycles. It has been recommended to use separate scientific
and methodological guidelines, the concept of control components, as well as those that are based on a
theoretical and practical level means and methods of control in long-term training for highly qualified handball
The concept of building control for certain components of the system for training handball players
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Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol 19 (Supplement issue 4), Art 200 pp 1380 – 1385, 2019 online ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051 © JPES
Ключові слова:
handball, control, expert assessment, macrocycle