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The development of critical thinking and fact-checking as a basis for shaping the media culture and psychological health of modern youth
The second decade of the XXI century is characterized by new approaches in
human communication and society's interaction with mass media. Starting from
adolescence and childhood, modern people spend a significant part of their time on
social networks. These networks have evolved from simple communication and dating services to full-fledged information platforms. In complex social systems, where collective action is a vital life structure, the most crucial foundational principle is coordinating managerial actions and organizational measures with the laws of social self-organization. Creating something significant without understanding how social processes are organized and regulated is impossible. The task of creating a system of media culture in the country's educational system is, first and foremost, about meeting the needs of the learners, the specifics of the situation, and changing trends.
The development of critical thinking and fact-checking as a basis for shaping the media culture and psychological health of modern youth
The development of critical thinking and fact-checking as a basis for shaping the media culture and psychological health of modern youth / A. Bessarab, G. Volynets, N. Kodatska, H. Mykytiv, N. Ostrovska // AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisc Iplinary Research. – 2023. – Vol. 13, Iss. 2, Spes. Iss. XXXVI. – P. 115–119.
Ключові слова:
information space, media culture, media literacy, propaganda, facts, fact-checking
The development of critical thinking and fact-checking… – Anastasiia Bessarab